Kids Camp

Spending a week removed from distractions and focused on spiritual things is a recipe for supernatural results. Please join in agreement  July 8th – July 12th that Kids Connect will have their own history making moments at camp this summer. Moments where God reveals himself by healing hurts, dispelling confusion, and calling students to a life of serving God. They are encouraged to discover that there are hundreds of other students their age who are serving God with all their heart. As we all join in prayer, amazing things can happen and we believe prayer changes things. Click the picture to get a Prayer Guide that you can use.

Also if your child is attending camp we will begin loading Monday, July 8th at 8:30 a.m. and we plan to leave the church at 9:00 a.m. We will stop on the way for lunch so make sure your child has money for the way there. We will text parents when we arrive at the camp. At the close of camp on Friday, July 12th we will begin leaving the campgrounds at 12:00 p.m. and will stop to eat lunch on the way home. We will text parents when we are an hour from the church to let you know when we will arrive back.