Sunday, May 7th is BGMC/Missions Sunday. Pray, Give, and Go. Telling the world about Jesus at home and on foreign soil is a major focus at PAG. As a church we provide financial support to over 40 missionaries and organizations and pray for many more.
BGMC is the missions education program for all the kids in the A/G. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. We have a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids.
REMINDER: On BGMC Sunday check in will be located in the foyer near the steps. Ages 0-5 will check in and then go downstairs to their class. Grades K-5th will check in and then go to the Sanctuary with your parents for worship and communion and then be dismissed to go downstairs for your BGMC service with Tom and Holly.